Ignore Duty Hours at Home
From time to time we hear from residents that hours are inadvertently recording while they are at home. This can occur based on a residents proximity to a WorkZone™. Ignore Duty Hours at Home is designed for residents who notice hours recording at home at a WorkZone™ where they also train and record clinical hours. If a resident encounters this experience, it can be quickly resolved by following a few steps below. For instances where residents notice hours are recording at home but never record clinical hours at that specific WorkZone™, Toggle WorkZones allows a resident to completely turn off any WorkZone™.
To Enable Ignore Duty Hours At Home:
1. Login to your institution’s web app using the institution ID, followed by .resqmedical.com (i.e. https://lomalinda.resqmedical.com).
2. Edit your profile by clicking on Account in the top-left corner.
3. Add your home address to your profile and click “Save”.

4. Grab your iPhone and open the ResQ app. Visit the Profile screen and click “Settings” in the bottom-left. Check the “Ignore Duty Hours at Home” option and save by clicking the check mark in the top-right corner.

After completing these steps, hours will no longer record while you are at home.